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Desktop Support Technician Certification HDI

Help Desk Institute (HDI) certification for desktop support

Desktop Support Technician Certifications

For Desktop Support Technicians, certification programs are typically offered by accredited vendors or independent vendors. This certification confirms the knowledge and best practices required by table support mechanics. Your organization may require table support workers to provide certificates for the products and services your company uses.

Taking into account the ever-changing world, in addition to an essential degree in computer science, the next certificate from the best technical support technicians is an important improvement for your career.

  • CompTIA A / Network, Microsoft, and Cisco certification.
  • MCDST (Microsoft Certified Desktop Support Technician)
  • MCSE (Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert)
  • MCP (Microsoft Certified Professional)
  • HDI-Desktop Support Technician Certification

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Help Desk Institute (HDI) – Desktop Support Technician Certification

Founded in 1989, HDI is a professional association and certified sponsor. (HDI is the official name of the organization, but it started as the “Help Desk Institute”).

Overview of Core HDI Desktop Support Technician Roles and Certifications

HDI certification is primarily centered around the work functions of the Support Center. The HDI offers several credentials outside this umbrella, but the top nine credentials can easily be placed as a quasi-learning or help desk/support center post cascade (bottom to top).

  • HDI Customer Service Representative (HDI-CSR):

An HDI certification for key customer service representatives, designed to assess customer needs and provide quality service. HDI CSR aims to support professionals in customer service centers, call centers, and support centers. (Course exam: $ 795 (members) / $ 895 (non-members), $ 145 exam only)

  • HDI Desktop Support Technician (HDI-DST):

HDI certification for professionals who provide technical support that provides personal support to individuals or internal employees or workers, or external clients. HDI-DST improves customer interaction, understands service level agreements and their impact on workflow and request priorities, analyzes causes, and manages incidents, problems, changes, versions, assets, and configurations. Emphasizes techniques for analyzing ITIL processes to do so. (Course exams: $ 645/695, $ 145 exams only)

  • HDI Support Center Analyst (HDI-SCA):

HDI certification for key technical support staff who want to learn how to manage and prioritize incidents and reduce escalations. HDI-SCA focuses on key customer service skills to manage difficult customers and improve overall customer satisfaction. This is the most coveted credential. (Course exams: $ 645/695, $ 145 exams only)

  • HDI Problem Management Professional (HDI-PM):

Developed in collaboration with Propoint Solutions, this HDI certification is involved in planning and implementing formal problem management processes, proactive and follow-up problem management, problem prioritization and classification, problem investigation and diagnosis, and coordination. It is intended for professionals who do. Or cause analysis, solution, solution implementation, and suggestion of changes to solve the problem. HDI-PM is based on numerous ITSM networks such as ITIL, ISO / IEC 20000, and COBIT. (Course exam: $ 225)

  • HDI Support Center Team Lead (HDI-SCTL):

The team leader provides a communication link between the support team members and their managers and acts as the client’s first internal escalation point. Candidates for HDI certification include basic team leader leadership and management skills, service and operational level agreements, ITIL incident processes, issues, changes, exemptions, asset and configuration management, competitive management, and employment and scheduling. You need to have a good HR management strategy. And evaluated. Keep workers. (Course exam: $ 745/795; $ 145 exam only)

  • HDI Desktop Support Manager (HDI-DSM):

HDI certification focused on desktop support, including support for laptops, notebooks, printers, and other items that organizations plan to offer personalized desktop support. The support administrator is responsible for implementing operational and tactical desktop support plans to meet the needs of clients and businesses. This credential helps candidates understand and master the characteristics of effective desk management by adapting desk support services to their business strategy. You can also help with hiring, training, and coaching tactics for high-performance teams. (Course exam: $ 225)

  • HDI Support Center Manager (HDI-SCM):

This HDI certification identifies individuals who possess the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in managing operational and tactical elements of a support organization and aligning with business needs. Successful candidates know how to create service and operational agreements, standard operating procedures in supporting a service catalog, steps involved in formulating cost-benefit analyses, TCO and ROI calculations, and relationships among IT service management processes, and more. (Course + exam: $225)

  • HDI Support Center Director (HDI-SCD):

This top-level HDI certification provides serious service management skills and knowledge, relevant general best practices, the ability to adapt departments to organizational objectives, and the ability to find senior management in terms of service improvement and support center value. Identifies an individual with. HDI-SCD provides topics related to knowledge management, HR management strategy, coaching, team building, succession development, understanding of business building, use of reporting tools and dashboards, assignments, and selection of leading and backward indicators. To do. (Course exam: $ 225)

The HDI-SCD (Director), HDI-SCM and HDI-DSM (Support Center and Desk Support Manager respectively) and HDI-SCTL (Team Leader) will expire after 3 years, subject to training or reassessment requirements. Other elements of the core do not decay.

If you are looking for a desktop support service, simply check out our link to IT and Desktop Support Services at ExtNoc.

Neomi Rao

Neomi Rao is an Outreach Community Specialist for Managed Administration Services Company which focuses on the latest trends of technology, small business needs. Her specialty lies in social media marketing and digital marketing.

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