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What is Pay Per Click Marketing Agency

Friends, today we will tell you about Pay Per Click Marketing Agency. In today’s era, the Internet is a cheap and easy way to reach everyone.

Through this, you can convey your message to any person very easily. Pay-per-click, or PPC, is a method of digital marketing. Using which to bring traffic to your blog or website.

Most of the visitors to any blog or website come through search engines. That is why all bloggers or website owners want their website ranking to be better in search engines.

Because better search engine ranking brings more visitors to the blog.

Search Engine Optimization is a Free Organic Result, but pay-per-click or PPC is a Paid Advertisement.

The full name of PPC marketing services. As the name suggests, pay per click-means paying per click.

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What is Pay Per Click Marketing Agency

This is Friends, today we will tell you about pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. In today’s era, the Internet is a cheap and easy way to reach everyone.

Through this, you can convey your message to any person very easily. Pay-per-click, or PPC, is a method of digital marketing. Using which to bring traffic to your blog or website.

Most of the visitors to any blog or website come through search engines. That is why all bloggers or website owners want their website ranking to be better in search engines.

Because better search engine ranking brings more visitors to the blog.

Search Engine Optimization is a Free Organic Result, but pay-per-click or PPC is a Paid Advertisement.

The full name of PPC marketing services. As the name suggests, pay per click-means paying per click.

This is an internet marketing agency model in which the advertising organization gives money for every click on the advertisement.

This is a method using which you can buy some visits to your blog, and in exchange for those visits, you will pay the advertising company.

Whenever you use Google, you must have seen that AD will be written in front of some links in the search result as soon as you search for something.

This is a performance-based payment model; if your ad is not clicked, then you do not need to make any payment.

Pay Per Click Marketing Agency pricing

Determining the cost of each PPC click depends on which country and what type of visitors the advertiser expects to get to his blog.

Factors affecting the cost of PPC advertising.

1- Visitor location

If you advertise your blog through Pay Per Click Marketing Agency, its price depends on where you want visitors. If you want visitors from India, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, and Pakistan, then you will have to spend less money per click.

But you may have to spend more money if you want visitors from Western countries like America, Britain, etc., through pay-per-click.

2- Keyword

The second factor to determine the price of Pay Per Click Marketing Agency is the keyword. Which keyword do you want to show your blog on search? The value of your PPC advertisement also depends on this.

For example, if you want to advertise your blog with words like insurance, loan, software etc., you may have to spend more money.

You will have to spend more money if you advertise your blog with high CPC keywords.

History of Pay Per Click Marketing Agency

First 1998, a new company, got. Com started pay-per-click. The idea of ​​the PPC advertising model was. Com was founded by Bill Grass and Idea lab Company.

Google started pay-per-click in 1999 and introduced AdWords in October 2000, which is today a leading advertising company of pay-per-click.

Although PPC was not fully introduced until 2002, at that time, advertising was paid on a cost-per-thousand basis. model in which the advertising organization gives money for every click on the advertisement.

This is a method using which you can buy some visits to your blog, and in exchange for those visits, you will pay the advertising company.

Whenever you use Google, you must have seen that AD will be written in front of some links in the search result as soon as you search for something.

This is a performance-based payment model; if your ad is not clicked, then you do not need to make any payment.

Pay-per-click (PPC) pricing

Determining the cost of each PPC click depends on which country and what type of visitors the advertiser expects to get to his blog.

Factors affecting the cost of PPC advertising.

1- Visitor location

If you advertise your blog through Pay Per Click Marketing Agency, its price depends on where you want visitors. If you want visitors from India, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, and Pakistan, then you will have to spend less money per click.

But you may have to spend more money if you want visitors from Western countries like America, Britain, etc., through pay-per-click.

2- Keyword

The second factor to determine the price of pay-per-click is the keyword. Which keyword do you want to show your blog on search? The value of your PPC advertisement also depends on this.

For example, if you want to advertise your blog with words like insurance, loan, software etc., you may have to spend more money.

You will have to spend more money if you advertise your blog with high CPC keywords.

History of Pay-Per-Click

First 1998, a new company, got. Com started pay-per-click. The idea of ​​the PPC advertising model was. Com was founded by Bill Grass and Idea lab Company.

Google started pay-per-click in 1999 and introduced AdWords in October 2000, which is today a leading advertising company of pay-per-click.

Although PPC was not fully introduced until 2002, at that time, advertising was paid on a cost-per-thousand basis.

Benefits of PPC

  1. If you want to rank your blog post with any keyword in the search engine without doing SEO search engine optimization, then you can take its help.
  2. This is much cheaper than other marketing techniques, and through this, you can show your blog’s ads on high-traffic websites for very little money, and you will pay for the traffic that comes to your blog from there.
  3. There are some changes in Google’s Algorithm from time to time, due to which the ranking of websites keeps increasing or decreasing, but it does not affect pay-per-click PPC.
  4. You can target your audience by clicking and selling your products and services to them; with PPC, you can also target a particular location, which means that you can use keywords location; you can advertise your blog by targeting Website, Device, Time and Date.
  5. You can promote your blog or website or your business even on a low budget through pay-per-click.
  6. If you have just started a company, you can advertise it for less money, or if your company has created an offer, then you can reach your offer to people with less money.

Pay per Click (PPC) advertising company

The three biggest Pay-per-click (PPC) ad networks are Google AdWords, Yahoo Search Marketing, and Microsoft Ad Center. They all use a bid-based system to decide who gets to show ads. Price per click (CPC) changes based on the search engine and the competition for a certain keyword.


If you advertise your blog through Pay per Click Marketing Agency, its price depends on where you want visitors. If you want visitors from India, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, and Pakistan, then you will have to spend less money per click.

But you may have to spend more money if you want visitors from Western countries like America, Britain, etc., through pay-per-click.

And how can you increase the traffic of your blog with this? This is a paid advertisement, so you must also spend some money. But if you are doing your blog as a hobby, it is fine, but if you want to do it as a serious business, you should try it once.

Because without promoting any business, you cannot get much profit. And blogging is such a business that the more you promote it, the more benefit it will give you. I hope you all liked My post today about What is pay-per-click (PPC) advertising?. You must share this with your friends. And subscribe to this blog of mine.

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