Computers and Technology

MVP Development for Startups: How to get started

With the number of businesses taking on a lean start-up approach to development, it has become increasingly important MVP development or Minimum Viable Product. As stated in Steve Blank’s Lean Startup movement: An MVP is a version of a new product that allows a team to collect the maximum amount of validated learning about customers with the least effort. So, how can you develop an MVP that you can use to test your assumptions, refine your model and test your hypotheses? In this guide, we’ll discuss how developing an MVP works and help you get started on yours today.

Define your problem

The struggle with MVP development is that it is often hard to know where to start. There are so many decisions that need to be made during the development process, and you can’t just guess your way through them. In this post, we will explore some of the most common questions about MVP development and offer some thoughts on how you can make a smarter decision about your next steps.

 What is your problem? This may seem like an odd question, but it is a very important question. Without having a clear understanding of what you are trying to solve, there’s no way that you can find a solution. For example, let’s say that you want to develop an app that people can use at work. What problem does your app solve?

Identify your users

The first step in MVP development is identifying who your users are. Before you can plan and design a product, you need to know who will be using it. Are they individuals? Businesses? Will they be using it in a place of work or on the go? There are many different types of people who may use your product, so the next step is figuring out which type of person you want the most information from. 

  • If you have a website that relies on clicks to generate revenue, start by asking yourself what kinds of things my site visitors like to do.
  • If you’re creating a new email service then start with How do people feel about their current email experience?
  • If you’re making software for businesses then take surveys about what business-related tasks would help them best meet customer needs.

Prioritize your features

The hardest part about creating a new product or service is figuring out what features your product should have. It’s best to start with the basic features, then add more. Here are some questions you can answer when deciding which features to include in your MVP: 

What is the purpose of this product? 

  • Who will use it? 
  • What problem does it solve? -What benefits does it provide? 
  • Is there an existing solution that serves this need? What makes my idea better than other solutions currently on the market? 
  • How much work would each feature require and how long would they take to develop?

Build your MVP

Use Flutter for MVP development and start with the basic functionalities in your app. Keep it simple so you can concentrate on designing and developing features that best represent what your application does. Design one or two screens of the entire app so you know where your priorities lie. Once those are solid, add more screens and slowly add all of the functionality. Make sure they’re fully functioning before moving on, then go back through your first set of pages, refreshing them as needed to make sure everything is working together nicely.

Launch your MVP

MVP development is a great way to test your hypothesis and see if there is interest in your idea. The MVP should be able to answer the following questions, What will this product do? Who is the target audience? Why would someone want this product? A good MVP can help you find out whether or not you should continue developing your idea. When starting out, it may be difficult figuring out which tools are available to create an MVP. 

Flutter is one such tool that provides many features at no cost. It has native plugins for both Android and iOS apps, as well as cross-platform plugins that use JavaScript to run on both platforms. There are two different ways of using Flutter; either by downloading the SDKs directly from GitHub or through Google’s Cloud Platform Codelab called Get Started with Flutter

Learn from your users

If you have an idea that can be built into a Minimum Viable Product (MVP), then you should work on developing it. When developing an MVP, you want to focus on the most fundamental features that will be used by your user base. For example, if you are building a restaurant app, then the first version of your product should allow people to find restaurants and make reservations at them. It would also include a map of all nearby restaurants, which is a core feature for users who need information about what’s near them. 


For those who want to start a new business, or create a new product, MVP development can be an incredibly useful tool. It helps companies test the market and see if there is enough demand for their idea before they invest too much time and money into it. With Flutter app development, businesses can create these products quickly while keeping costs low.

For small businesses, MVP development can be especially useful. Since they usually don’t have a huge budget, they’ll want to test their idea before they commit too much time and money. Flutter helps them do just that so that they can create high-quality prototypes without spending a fortune.

Also read – Factors determining the Cost of Developing an Android App

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