Interesting Speech Topics for College Students

One thing that I loved in my college life was when speech or debate competitions were held. No! I was not a nerd but I loved taking part in these competitions because I liked to put forward my opinion and perspective regarding different topics. Everyone has the moral right to freedom of expression (Howard, 2019) as long as it is not hate speech. The three most important things for good speech delivery are; confidence, good content, and strong oratory powers. Speech is basically a formal form of writing that is delivered in front of the audience.
“Speech is power, speech is to persuade, to convert, to compel”
Speech is a quite powerful form of writing that can change the oldest of beliefs of people. I believe that every student who has graduated must know the skill of giving a speech. A skill through which an individual will be able to stand in front of everyone and say something impactful out ether. If a student is not that good at writing content then he can take the writing assistance from the professional writers who also provide the dissertation writing service UK-based, assignment help, and so on. These writers are professional and qualified enough to discuss different topics but one must give the topic that he wants to speak upon. Tell the key points to the writer that he wants in the speech so that he can relate to the content of his speech.
Interesting speech topics:
As long as taking help in academics is concerned students can easily take assistance from online platforms in the form of best exam help, online writing services, class-taking assistance, and so on. But when it comes to speech delivery then one has to rely on his own skills. Besides if you want to write it on your own as well then we will recommend writing short sentences and try writing concise concepts that can help you generate a good audience (theassignmenthelp, 2021). We are here with some such interesting topics that can make you and your speech outshine others.
Invasion and being invaded:
This is the least touched topic because of so many controversies and agendas still it needs to be discussed. Many nations like Palestine, Kashmir, Ukraine, Afghanistan, and so on have been invaded by powerful countries like Israel, India, Russia, etc. So in this topic, students can discuss the following points:
- How does it feel like invading and being invaded?
- Why nobody is ready to discuss this issue?
- Why UN and the world are silent?
- What are the atrocities being done upon the invaded nations?
- How to stop them?
- How informed are the people about this matter?
- Is there an end to them?
Educational crisis:
You can keep on writing on this topic without any end because it has so many directions that one can give. This is the topic to which all the students will be able to relate. You can discuss the following pointsoin this topic:
- The effects of covid-19 on the educational sector.
- How educational sector is coping with all these effects?
- Why are minimum or no investments done in this sector?
- Why the same old syllabus is being taught for ages?
- What steps can be taken to improve the educational sector?
- How to persuade people towards education more and more.
Love your natural self:
This topic needs to be discussed as much as possible in today’s time because there are so many insecurities in our current generation. Youth look up to Instagram models/celebrities and think that they can never be that perfect. But the fact is neither are those celebrities, those are all just editing skills. A lot of points can be written on this topic like:
- What is the true definition of beauty?
- Who sets the standards of beauty?
- Why does an ideal beauty different from region to region?
- Why are people opting for cosmetic surgeries more and more?
- How to love yourself?
- How to be more confident and secure in your natural form?
- How can these fake beauty standards be eliminated?
Technical innovations:
Technology never fails to amaze us. There is so much to speak about technology, plus its positive and negative impacts on society. This type of speech will be informative more than influential for the audience. You can write the following points on the related topic;
- The invention of technology.
- How is it going so far?
- What relives has it brought into our lives?
- What are the latest types of technical innovations?
- Has technology proved to be more beneficial than dangerous?
- What are the dangers of technology?
- Shall we put a hold on the technical innovations?
In fact, there is no end to this topic. So, a student shall choose the points that suit the theme of the day.
Greener planet:
There is no end to the topic of global warming because there is no end to the pollution that is being carried out by us; human beings. The ozone layer is depleting day by day and the earth is becoming warmer; all because of different types of pollution. The following points can be touched in this topic;
- What is global warming and why is there no control over it?
- The most common causes of global warming?
- Is there a way to reduce it?
- What part can we play as an individual in making the environment green?
- What possible threats does the future hold if things won’t be changed?
- Will it be able to end or will it end the world?
These are some such speech topics that I think will be interesting to talk about. Besides that, they are informative, persuasive, influential, and impactful. So; go for them if you are looking for some unique topics to talk about.
Howard, J. W. (2019). Free Speech and Hate Speech. Annual Review of Political Science , 22, 93-109.
theassignmenthelp. (2021, May 6th). The Dos And Don’ts In Academic Writing – Guide For Students. .