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Kids Drawing Ideas

The activity of Kids Drawing provides real pleasure at any age. Children draw spontaneously and often with their colored pencils, pastels, or water-based paints very early on. And easy coloring is one of the favorite activities of young children, who use their skills to color well with their little hands! But as they grow up, they often experience frustration because their drawing does not seem successful enough to them and does not correspond to what they want to reproduce. It is then that we can offer them to learn the basic techniques to succeed in drawing easily. Here are some tips for approaching the practice of drawing while having fun doing it. Easy drawing, impossible mission?Not at all! Let’s quickly take a pencil and follow the guide!

Easy drawing: learn to master basic techniques

You want to teach your children to draw. It is natural to start with a simple drawing by applying a real drawing method. The three basic rules of drawing are rules common to all learning, namely:

  • Observation: observe an image related to the drawing to be made, then several images of this drawing from different perspectives, and then reproduce one which will be your drawing;
  • Understanding: to succeed in a simple drawing, understanding what you will draw is an essential step in drawing techniques. It consists of asking as many questions as possible: where is it located… Why is it there? How to draw… How big is it, etc.? Succeeding in drawing simple objects requires this questioning and this curiosity. They lead to one of the keys to the arts of drawing;
  • Practice: As in any artistic or sports discipline, the practice of drawing is most effective if you do a few easy drawings every day or if you share several moments of drawing with your children.

Among the drawing exercises, try drawing (or having someone draw) a cute little black cat, a princess, a tree, a goldfish, a dog, or ahead in a row. If the result is not close enough to reality, a drawing trick is to go deeper into each of the three rules one by one, starting with the least mastered one. One of our tips to improve yourself and your children at drawing is knowing that it is easy to access several drawing lessons, step-by-step drawing for children, and online drawing tutorials. They are invaluable aids to progress quickly and well. As for drawing material, it is not the tool that makes the artist. Sheets of plain paper, a simple pencil, and an eraser are great for getting started. You can then evolve using drawing pencils.

Easy drawing: learn to color it well, then print

Choose beautiful colored pencils for your children and yourself. Drawing coloring is the ultimate anti-stress activity. Show your children how to color each picture they make properly. You can also easily find free online drawing coloring sites like Families. They offer you easy drawing coloring pages, often on the theme of animals, as well as coloring pages for adults. As for your children, before printing the drawing, show him the drawings to reproduce and coloring that you find so that he can choose according to his tastes.

Regularity in practice is, therefore an essential for easy drawing or coloring. In a few months of practice, you will be able to go from simple drawings to slightly more complicated drawings such as those of cartoon characters, of a face, or a hand. Drawing and the different types of coloring (online coloring, mandalas, coloring pages to print, or drawings to color are hobbies full of relaxing virtues to experience as a family. From drawing to painting, the step is also quickly taken.


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