For kundli online, every astrologer charges differently, we can’t mention a particular charge. As world famous astrologer Acharya Indu Prakash Ji charges very less than others. With accurate prediction. Let’s know what you will get to know through kundli online along with vedic astrology.
Kundli online or horoscope is an astrological tool for studying the life and character of an individual. An individual’s astrology is based on a unique planetary alignment corresponding to the specific time and place of their birth. Kundali stores this data, a unique planetary alignment that makes each person unique and different. It is a record of the native’s astrological design determining his life, character and destiny.
How to prepare kundli? Is it possible to generate Kundli?
The Kundali must accurately capture the unique planetary placements corresponding to the date, time and place of birth. An astrologer would go through some complex astrological calculations to find it. Nowadays it is possible to prepare kundali even online. Kundli-generating online portals use advanced astrology software. Once you enter the date, time and place of birth, the software will do all these calculations and generate an online Kundli within minutes.
Online Kundli in-depth horoscope is reliable if the software used is authentic. There are several online portals offering kundli from which you have to choose the reliable one. Astroeshop.com is one such portal using authentic astrology software. It is a Vedic Astrology portal managed by Astro-Vision, one of the pioneers in astrology software development in India. Astro-Vision software is backed by over three decades of research and development and is the trusted software of over 50,000 astrologers. Astroeshop uses the same software and hence its online Kundli is authentic and accurate.
Can online kundli predict the future? Are these predictions accurate?
Online kundalis are software generated. Compared to manually prepared horoscopes, calculation errors will be less or zero in software-generated kundali. With more accuracy in the calculations, there will be more accuracy in the predictions. Kundli generated by Astroeshop.com provides various predictions. These include Pachanga Predictions, Bhava Predictions, Dasa-Apahara Predictions, Kundli Yoga Based Predictions, Transit Predictions, Ashtakavarga Predictions, Auspicious Seasons Predictions etc.
Online Kundli can provide your future predictions. Every individual is curious about the future, especially in matters related to career, wealth, marriage, relationships, health, etc. Kundli specifically analyzes all aspects of life and gives predictions for each. These predictions will help you understand your future prospects.
Online Kundli generates a detailed list of your dasa-apahara periods with their start and end timings. Through a detailed analysis of the dasas, anthardas (apaharas) and paryanthardas, one can know the general nature of your life in each phase of the dasa, apahara or paryanthardasa. These predictions help you know about the possible opportunities and obstacles at different times in the future and you can plan your life accordingly.
Planetary transits are astrological events marking the change of sign or the passage of planets from one zodiac sign to another. This, based on the positions of the planets in your birth chart, would have some effect on your life during the transit period. Planetary transits can cause sudden changes and developments in life. Astroeshop Kundli contains transit predictions to help you know about possible changes in the near future. In addition, the online kundali generated by Astroeshop.com provides a list of auspicious periods of life. Based on analysis of dasa-apaharas and other horoscope factors, it informs you about favourable years; the right time to get married, change jobs, start or develop a business, build a house, etc.
Is Vedic astrology more accurate and advanced?
Let’s discuss the accuracy of Vedic Astrology today. Is it more accurate and advanced? An astrologer tells about a person’s life and his sufferings during his life. It is both an art and a science. It has the power to eradicate sadness and fill your life with happiness and prosperity. So there are two main broad classifications of astrology:
- Vedic Astrology
- Western Astrology
Both are different in every sense. But the primary motive of both is to minimize the miseries and sorrows of human life and to bring happiness, contentment and prosperity. While Vedic Astrology is also popularly known as Hindu Astrology or Jyotish Shastra. Astrology is a valuable asset in knowing potential possibilities. Thus, Vedic astrology has been followed since ancient times in India. It has been practised for thousands of years, although it also has written documents in the Vedas. The best astrologer in Delhi says Vedic astrology originated during the Vedas, it is the foremost scripture on earth. Hence it was developed by ancient seers and Rishis.
Why is Vedic astrology more accurate?
There are a number of reasons why Vedic astrology is very accurate and gives the most reliable and accurate predictions. So Vedic astrology is a moon-based system and thus covers all aspects of life. Although it uses the Vimshotarri Dasha system, this system helps in analyzing the planetary positions for future purposes. For that reason, Vedic astrology is the most accurate system of making predictions. For best astrologer predictions keep in mind that all the planets, Nakshatras, Rahu, Ketu and fixed zodiacs whose positions and movements have a great influence on human life. Because of all these Vedic astrology is more accurate.
Why is Vedic astrology considered more advanced and accurate?
According to the best astrologer, Vedic astrology is the most advanced astrology. It is highly efficient and accurate, but it is also quite complex. Elements of Vedic Astrology like Nakshatras, Dasha and Divisional Chart provide deep and useful insight into your life. Vedic astrology is upright because it works according to the most precise astrological principles. All the planets in the sky are believed to move in accordance with the Nirayana system. A Vedic astrologer not only analyzes the horoscope but also checks the dashes and periods of various planets transiting through different signs and how they affect in real time to make predictions. Although Vedic Astrology in Delhi is equipped with more precise and detail-oriented methods, tools and practices. So it is the most reliable and advanced form of astrology.