Are you getting enough zinc and magnesium in your diet? Many of us are deficient in one or both of these essential minerals and the health consequences are serious.
In fact, your body’s ability to absorb nutrients depends on sufficient intake of these minerals, so if you need to bump up your intake, there are plenty of foods rich in zinc and magnesium you can choose from.
1) Wheat Germ
There are a number of herbal impotence treatment products that have been touted for their effectiveness in curing erectile dysfunction. From the wheat germ to the Dapoxetine (Cenforce D), there is no shortage of options available.
However, it’s important to remember that these supplements are not FDA approved and thus cannot be guaranteed as effective in curing erectile dysfunction.
Additionally, it’s worth noting that some men may suffer from side effects such as nausea or dizziness after consuming these products.
2) Pumpkin Seeds
Pumpkin seeds are a great source of zinc and magnesium, which are two minerals that play an important role in supporting the immune system. They also contain high levels of tryptophan, which is an amino acid that helps to regulate the body’s serotonin levels.
There have been studies linking pumpkin seeds with weight loss as they contain proteins called lectins, which have properties that reduce appetite and increase fat burning.
One study even found that men who ate half a cup of pumpkin seed kernels each day for six weeks had reduced prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels – this could be due to their ability to lower inflammation within the prostate gland.
3) Fish
Fish is a great source of zinc and magnesium. Here are the top ten foods that contain these essential minerals – Salmon: One can of salmon contains up to 1000% of your daily recommended value.
– Halibut: A 4oz piece has 330mg, or 125% DV, with only 82 calories!
– Tuna: The most beneficial part of tuna fish is the fatty tuna! It has more than double your daily recommended intake for both magnesium and zinc with just one serving.
4) Seeds
Seeds are often overlooked as an essential part of a healthy diet. They are packed with vitamins, minerals, protein, and fiber.
The best thing about them is that they’re also naturally gluten free so people with gluten intolerance can still enjoy seeds! Here’s a list of the top ten zinc and magnesium rich foods you need to be eating:
Pumpkin Seeds – One cup of pumpkin seeds contains 9 milligrams of zinc which is almost 50% of your daily value.
5) Spinach
Spinach is a powerhouse of magnesium, one of the most important nutrients for sexual health. This leafy green vegetable contains more than 100% of the daily recommended value of magnesium.
Spinach also has high levels of zinc, which is an essential mineral when it comes to erectile health. In fact, just one cup of spinach can provide up to 30% of your daily needs for zinc!
6) Pumpkin Seed Oil
Pumpkin seed oil is an excellent natural treatment for erectile dysfunction that can be used by men of all ages. Pumpkin seed oil contains an active ingredient called L-arginine which helps to relax the muscles and improve blood flow to the penis.
It also has high levels of zinc, magnesium, omega 3 fatty acids, and vitamin E which are essential for sexual health.
7) Mushrooms
Mushrooms are a good source of zinc and magnesium. A single cup of sliced portobello mushrooms can provide you with 12% of your daily dose of magnesium, which is essential for muscle function.
Mushrooms also contain potassium, copper, selenium, manganese, phosphorus, riboflavin (vitamin B2), and niacin (vitamin B3). Along with the above nutrients, mushrooms are also low in calories and fat.
8) Watermelon Seeds
One of the healthiest foods you can eat is a watermelon. Not only does it provide ample amounts of vitamin C, B6, E, magnesium and zinc, but it also contains lycopene which helps prevent prostate cancer.
Studies show that watermelon seed extract has been used for erectile dysfunction for centuries. Take a look at this list to see how many health benefits this delicious fruit has to offer!
-Magnesium: Helps with muscle function
-Zinc: Boosts immune system
-Vitamin C: Maintains healthy skin and bones
-B6: Helps create new cells
9) Banana Chips
Banana chips are a tasty way to get your recommended daily allowance of zinc, which can help maintain normal function of the prostate gland. The next time you’re craving a salty snack, try munching on a few banana chips. This will not only curb your appetite, but it may also be just what you need to cure erectile dysfunction.
10) Sunflower seeds
Sunflower seeds are one of the top 10 zinc and magnesium rich foods you need in your diet. They are a delicious snack that can be eaten raw or roasted. Sunflower seeds are high in protein, B vitamins, vitamin E, folate, zinc, selenium, and magnesium.
They also have a low glycemic index which makes them great for people with diabetes or those who want to lose weight.