IELTS Speaking
You’re going to learn here the first and most important footstep to improving your speaking grammar. The best way to impress reviewers with your grammar. How grammatical errors can affect your score. Here in this article you read about all IELTS speaking band score 7 grammar tips for students.
IELTS Speaking Band
Score 7 Grammar Tips
A valuable tip to improve not only speaking but also writing!
1. Simple look
Use the straightforward and easy aspect to talk about general, everlasting or constant actions.
Here, the present simple is used to denote a general and habitual action:
I often read online business magazines.
In the example above, it is implied that you read these ezines all the time. It’s something you do regularly.
We use the continuous aspect to focus on the progressive actions that usually occur around the time of speech.
Here, the present continuous is used to designate an action that is taking place at the time of speaking:
I read an interesting book.
The same rule applies to all verb tenses, past, present and future. Also, you want to focal point on the continuity of the action, use the continuous aspect. So, If you are more interested in the result of the action, then use the simple aspect.
Why Is It Useful For IELTS?
In IELTS Speaking sec 1 you have to answer questions only about yourself.
You’ll need to make sure you use the correct verb tense and aspect, simple or continuous, depending on what you want to say. If you want to talk about general things you do on a regular basis, you need the present simple. If, however, you want to refer to actions that are temporary and occur around the time you speak, then you need the present continuous.
- I ___(exercise) every other day, but I ___(don’t like) going to sports competitions.
- The graphs ___(show) how the total number of students ___(changed) over the past 5 years.
Simple Past and Present Perfect Verb Tenses
When we use the past, we see these past actions as having no connection to the present. It belong to the past, so we use the past to express this.
I had breakfast with Tony, and then we saw a movie.
The above action happened in the past. There is no link with the current, so we use the past easy.
If, however, the action happened in the past but has some impact on the present, or if it continues in the present, we should use the present perfect.
The above is perfect because the action started in the past but continues into the present, while the speaker is still waiting.
You have more time to make this decision when you write than when you speak, but if you practice this rule, you will be able to think faster.
Examine the following sentences and decide if you are using the past perfect or the present perfect:
- I ___(started) studying for the IELTS exam two months ago, but I ___(still can’t decide) whether to move to Australia.
The Passive Voice
It can be used whenever you desire to sound more formal and remote.
You form the passive voice by using the verb “to be” in whatever tense you want, plus the past participle (the third form of the verb; for example, for the verb “to write” you would use “written”).
- As you can ___(see) from the numbers, the number of freshmen has dropped dramatically over the past five years.
- As ___(shown) in the diagram, there has been a marked increase in the number of students driving their own cars to school.
Modal Verbs
You can use modal verbs when you want to express different shades like degrees of certainty.
Could, might and may are modal verbs and can be used to refer to possible but uncertain actions in the future, could being slightly less certain than may.
We could be late if we stop for a drink now.
I may want to spend my holidays in Europe, but it all depends on my partner.
We might want to change the class if the problem persists.
Could have, could have and could have are used to express possible actions in the present or the past – you suggest that these actions are or were possible, or that they are or have been accomplished.
They could have left hours ago.
It’s almost midnight in Spain, the plane may have already landed.
Can is used to make possible general statements about the present tense, while could is used as the past tense of can with this meaning.
My boss can be very demanding sometimes.
My boss could be very demanding when I was first hired.
Impossible (cannot) is used to express impossibility.
These conclusions cannot be correct.
Must is used when we are sure something is true and must have is used with the same meaning for the past tense.
They had to change their marketing strategy to afford such great prices.
When speaking, you can use them in Part 3 to discuss your discussion of other aspects that the examiner may ask of you. Modal verbs can be used to express probability when generalizing and speaking more abstractly.
Now try practicing them by filling in the gaps with the good modal verbs studied above:
- This ___(will not be) your phone, I know you had a different ringtone.
- This is ___(be) Donna at the door, she called to say she was sick.
- They ___(change) their plans, but they haven’t told me.
The Definite Article
The definite article (the), as its name suggests, is used to talk about people or things known to the speaker, already mentioned above, described in detail or unique.
To practice making this decision, use the or nothing in the following spaces:
- I don’t like ___ romantic comedies, I prefer ___ thrillers, but I like ___ the one you suggested last week.
Compare Adjectives
You should use adjectives as often as possible to describe people or things, as they show you have a wide range of spoken and written vocabulary. You may need to compare them using comparatives or superlatives, depending on what you’re trying to say. There are a few rules you need to keep in mind.
My plan is safer than yours.
This is the safest plan of all.
These are just some basic grammar tips you need to know to get a higher IELTS score. Remember that IELTS tests are usually not enough. You must improve your general level of English to see progress.
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Also read: Some New Ways to Practice IELTS