How to Protect Yourself While Going Outdoors

We have remained confined in our homes the entire last year because of the unexpected Coronavirus. The Covid-19 pandemic has compelled us to avoid or restrict doing our one favourite thing – stepping outside!
It’s tough to enjoy to the fullest or carry on with the work worry-free when outdoors. Even though we cannot restrain the virus from spreading, we can simply take some precautions to stay safe from the virus while going outside of the home.
Below are some ways to protect yourself when outside:
Practice Hand Hygiene
Hands are the biggest carrier of germs and viruses, so maintaining good hand hygiene is essential. Hands transfer infections, so you must ensure to wash them with soap and water every time you return home. Avoid touching your face with unwashed hands, or it will be an easy way for microorganisms to enter your body.
When outside, carry a Foamtize, a skin-nourishing waterless foaming hand wash that provides maximum protection from germs, viruses and bacteria and cleans your hands like soap. Use this handy product after you touch any unhygienic surface and ensure your safety.
Follow Social Distancing
With the new Omicron variant raging, you need to be extremely careful when venturing out of your home – practising social distancing is a must. Social distancing is a great way to protect yourself and everyone around you from Covid-19 or any other contagious infections. You should maintain a six-feet distance from everyone, outside your house premises.
Whether you are going down to walk in the park or going to a nearby shop to buy essentials, make sure you follow proper social distancing. Naturally, it makes sense to avoid shaking hands and coming in close contact with someone in these times of distress.
Wear a Mask
The Covid-19 virus spreads through respiratory droplets. So, if an infected person coughs or sneezes and you end up taking the droplets through your mouth, nose or eyes, chances are you might get infected too. Thus, wearing a mask that covers your nose and mouth is extremely essential.
For an extra layer of protection on your face, you should apply RxSAFE Facitize, a no-alcohol face sanitizer that provides protection for up to 6 hours from 99.9% of germs, viruses and bacteria and moisturizes your skin too. Facitize is a must every time before you wear a mask and step outside.
Don’t Cough or Sneeze Into Your Hand
Not just it is the right thing to do, but covering when coughing and sneezing is a good way to avoid getting infected and spreading the infection. When you cough or sneeze, you can transfer the bacteria and viruses to your hands, and then they will get transmitted to others and the surfaces you touch.
Whenever you think you are about to cough or sneeze, get a tissue. Take a tissue, cough or sneeze into it and throw it away. If you do not have a tissue, try to cover the cough or sneeze by using your elbow and putting your mouth into the crook of the elbow.
Avoid Crowded and Poorly Ventilated Places
You must avoid visiting crowded places like restaurants, gyms, theatres etc. since they put you at a greater risk of getting infected with Covid-19. Avoid close contact with outside people, irrespective of the fact that they seem to be well or sick. Make sure you are fully vaccinated if you need to go to a crowded place.
While visiting a public place, make sure to check if the space ensures proper ventilation. If possible, open the windows and keep a handy air freshener with you. One such smart air freshener is RxSAFE Air Freshener. This air freshener not just freshens air but sanitizes it as well so that you can breathe protected air.
Take Vaccine
As soon as you are suitable for it, take your vaccine for Covid-19. The Covid-19 vaccines give a great degree of safety from severe infection and death. However, vaccines do not ensure protection from getting contracted by the virus. WHO suggests that everyone must have access to the Covid-19 vaccines, especially those with a higher risk of infection and the Healthline workers.
People having underlying medical conditions like diabetes, lung diseases, heart ailments, high blood pressure, obesity etc should get vaccinated as soon as possible. Also, senior citizens and pregnant women should consider taking vaccines fast. The more the people are fully vaccinated, the more protected everyone will stay.
Sanitize the Things You Took Outside and Got in from Outside
If you have gone grocery shopping outdoors, make sure you sanitize everything you have got from outside. You can use salt and warm water to sanitize things that you have got inside. Items like wallets, coin purses, keys etc., that you took along with you outside need to be sanitized using a disinfecting spray.
The bag full of items that you have bought from outside should be kept in the reach of your family members only after a few hours of putting it aside in sunlight. Keep your shoes out of your home every time you have worn them to step outdoors. After you wash and sanitize things, ensure washing your hands with soap and water.
Moreover, if you feel sick, stay inside your home to stop the spread of infection. If you need to step outside every day due to your office or any other reason, then monitor your health regularly.
By following these ways, you will reduce the chances of getting infected. Meanwhile, taking precautions to ensure your safety from viruses becomes easy – you simply assure staying consistent in following all the specified ways!