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How to become a better leader?

Leadership is a quality that needs to be nourished now and then to evolve for the better. How to become a better leader is to learn in the process of evolvement.

Leaders are needed in every arena of life for guidance. One should try to continuously evolve to become a better leader.

Why do you need good leadership quality?

The world is growing at a faster rate each day. So, the competition is growing even faster. If you want to sustain with the competition you have to excel as a significant leader.

If you cannot be a good leader you cannot grow fast in your career. You have to prove your efficiency as a leader if you want to grow in your career.

What are the factors to be considered to become a better leader?

When you decide to evolve as a leader you need to first consider where you lacked for which you can better consult your team. Here are certain factors that will help you access the factors needed to be a better leader.

Learn to listen

When you are the leader of any organization or any group you need to listen to your team if you want to work together. Leadership doesn’t mean overpowering the other teammates.

If you don’t listen to your teammates then how will you be able to understand what is their point of view? You have to exchange each other’s points of view if you want to stand out as a leader.

The more you listen you will know the strengths and weaknesses of your team. Your team will be able to respond to you and will talk about their problems.

Communicate well

If you don’t communicate well your team won’t get to know what are their responsibility. You have to communicate well along with the facts and functions upon which they need to act upon.

If you don’t communicate about the aims and objectives you are working for, they will be distracted and misguided slowly.

The more you communicate well with your team you will perform more actively than you imagine. When you are working as a leader you need to grow with your team.

If you grow alone then that makes you a poor leader. So, understand the team to make them work efficiently.

You have to make sure that each member of your team is growing for the better. You have to give them constant feedback on their performance so that they understand where they need to improve.

If they improve that will improve the performance of the project which is only proving your efficiency while making you a better leader.


When you are a leader you are no more just an individual working for your growth. Now you are a leader as well you are responsible for the growth of other people.

But make sure you only encourage them for productive growth. Just because you are a leader you shouldn’t just burden them with unreal expectations. You need to understand the consequences before you impose the burden.

Be dynamic

When you are a leader you are a role model to your team. whatever you teach them, they will try to implement that in their work. If you embrace change then your teammate will want to change their work style and thought process now and then.

But if you are not enough flexible then how can you expect your teammates to be dynamic at the time of need. If you cannot be dynamic yourself then you cannot embrace growth too.

Segregate the duties

When you are a leader you must know the strengths and weaknesses of your team. When you already know this then it is best to segregate the duties among the teammates.

This will help you to supervise the proper functioning of the work. When you and your team will work as a unit, it will be over without any mess.

When the leader knows the proper segregation of work it is executed efficiently without any chaos. The work pressure is also minimized proving the leader efficient.

Failure handling

When we fail that is never pleasant but you have to make your team learn how to deal with failure. If they cannot deal with failure, they won’t be able to fight back to achieve better things in that field.

You have to motivate your team to work harder to achieve things further in life. If you get successful in doing this you will be more than happy to achieve heights of success.

When a leader knows how to handle failure along with the team, they know how to prepare them for further success.

Keep learning

When you are a leader you should not think you know everything. You are expected to learn and re-learn to give new and better inputs to your team.

When you will keep educating yourself you will be on your team with that too. This will help you grow as a leader. Leaders are always expected to keep learning things that will make them superior to their teammates.

Teach, don’t order

As a leader, you grow when you teach instead of giving orders. You are not a customer who is supposed to give orders. You are a leader so you need to educate them about the new facts and developments.

Other ways to become a better leader

▪ You need to be patient and mindful to handle critical situations with the team. when you are facing challenges and crises it is you whom the team is going to look up to. So be patient enough to handle a crisis.

▪ As a leader, you should encourage creativity to make your team active and efficient.

▪ You should help your team participate in certain webinars and seminars to understand the broader aspects of work.

▪ Give them a small part in your big projects which will help them learn new things that they can implement at the time of need.

▪ Make sure you only spread positivity that motivates them to work and grow. No one likes to work with a boring leader.

▪ Arrange some yearly fun activities that will rejuvenate your team.

▪ Also, celebrate every small and big success of the team.

▪ When you want to grow as a leader ask for opinions in the meetings. This will make the team feel worthy.

▪ Award your teammates for their significant achievements

▪ Give significant hours to your team. if you don’t spend enough time with your team make you won’t be able to understand them which may reduce your efficiency as a leader.

▪ Leaders, shouldn’t be rude but surely strict enough to regulate their team.


The more the leader is working with the teammate along with learning new ways to make the team grow, he or she is becoming a better leader every day. These factors will help you with the guide on how to become better leaders.

The leader who provides their team with small goals each time to push them towards their success while completing the teamwork on time is called a good leader. To become the best leader, you cannot think beyond your team, you may have to sometimes sacrifice certain things owing to the responsibility you are holding.

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