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8 Things to Know about Systematic Research Design

Systematic Research Design

Systematic research design is a concise and reproducible research review. A systematic research review is a process of gathering, interpreting, and presenting the required information in an organised manner. The systematic research review is a thorough study and answers the research question(s). The requirement for well-researched publications is in demand in the modern age. People now need to gain access to reviewed literature and systemic research reviews. The systematic research review is linked to different professions. This mainly includes allied health, risk analysis, academic research and many other professions. There are 8 things that a researcher must know about systematic research design.

1.      Ensure Unique Protocols

The researcher needs to ensure that the systematic research design contains unique information. The information researcher is using is not being used by any other author. It is essential to ensure that the researcher is plagiarising from other publications. The researcher must check that the information used may not be used by someone else. Different resources may be used to check the duplication of the research material. These resources include:

  • “PRO SPERO”,
  • “Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews”,
  • “Joann Briggs Institute EBP Database – OVID”,
  • “DoPHER”, “DARE – Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects”,
  • “The Campbell Collaboration online library”,
  • “EPPI – Centre knowledge library”,
  • “NeuroBITE”,
  • “OTseeker”,
  • “PeDRO”,
  • “SpeechBITE”, and;
  • “TRIP – Turning research into practice”

2.      Designing Subject Related Research Questions

The research questions need to be concise and specific. The research questions must reflect clear thoughts. Different tools may be used to design the research questions. However, the most authentic tool is considered to be PICO analysis. PICO stands for “Patient / Problem”, “Intervention”, “Comparison”, and; “Outcome”. In order to design a research question, the researcher must be aware of the research problem. Initial questions may include the characteristics of the research problem. The research questions may include the issue or condition of the subject matter. The systematic research design consists of researcher questions. These questions explain the causes and effects of the subject matter. The research question may ask respondents to suggest non-conventional and conventional interventions. The research design needs to include a research question that elaborates the study results.

3.      Systematic Research Protocols

Systematic research protocols explain the planned methods, rationale and hypothesis of systematic research design. The systematic research protocol needs to be designed before initiating the review. It is not only an essential part of the research, but it has certain features. These features may include:

  • Works like guidelines for the researcher while conducting systematic research.
  • Helps in maintaining the transparency of methods and intention.
  • It may be used as a tool to challenge someone’s claim on the subject matter.
  • It may also be useful to help the researcher remain unbiased during the research work.

4.      Formulating a Clear and Straight Research Strategy

The researcher needs to prepare an obvious research strategy. So, research may be used for further research. Systematic research work aims to conduct authentic research on a subject matter. The purpose of systemic research is to bring improvement and development. Progress is the name of time-to-time development. It will be useful to find and extract a relevant and useful set of information. The researcher may use grey literature, guidelines, reviews, databases, and other relevant sources.

5.      In-Depth Study of Literature Review

Researcher needs to conduct an in-depth literature review on the subject matter. The researcher must find and gather relevant information from relevant databases. Researcher needs to study grey literature to ensure the effectiveness of the study. Grey literature means that the researcher must study and evaluate the unpublished and published literature. It will help gather the most authentic and relevant information on the subject matter. Commercial publishers do not handle the grey pieces of literature. The domain of grey literature includes industry, business, academic, and government. After the collection of literature, the researcher needs to review the collected literature. It is the responsibility of the researcher to conduct unbiased research work. However, there is a chance of the author’s biasness. The research must try to ensure the credibility of the research paper and avoid biased reviews. Moreover, the researcher must link the information in a logical sequence.

6.      Critical Appraisal / Critical Analysis

Critical analysis in the systemic research design evaluates the research to review the collected data. It checks data’s relevance, significance, and trustworthiness. The critical appraisal or critical analysis helps the systematic research review gain maximum authenticity. It also helps in identifying usefulness, the gaps in research work, and reaching reliable findings.

7.      Gathering Useful Information

The systematic research review proves to be useful in gathering relevant data. The relevant data is a useful resource for credible research. The researcher finds the most relevant information from the relevant database.

8.      Interpretation of Results

The systematic research review helps the researcher prepare a detailed report of the systematic research. These results may be useful for future studies.


The systematic research review is a useful guideline for conducting an authentic piece of literature. It is helpful for the researcher to gain access to the most relevant and specific information using a different set of tools. Tools including PICO help the researcher to design the researcher’s questions. The researcher get assistance in selecting the most useful database or library to conduct effective research. These things may also guide the researcher in selecting appropriate keywords to gather the most useful pieces of information. In this way, the researcher will be able to collect good raw data.

Author Bio:

Robert Fawl is a professional Content writer & Content Marketer. Based in London, Robert is an author and blogger with experience in encounter composing on various topics including but not limited to Essay Writing, Dissertation Writing, Coursework Writing Services, Thesis Writing Services and Assignment Writing etc.

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