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How To Optimize Your Blog Posts for Conversions?

How To Optimize Your Blog Posts for Conversions?

Blogging has become one of the necessary parts of the modern digital marketing world. Writing an excellent blog helps bring organic traffic and increase conversions. Nevertheless, that might not be enough in today’s digital marketing world. To achieve more readers or success with your blog and increase conversion, you need to optimize your blog. Many international businesses struggle on this aspect, which is why they hire freelancer content writers or seek out resources and help third-party professionals.

To give you a fair idea of where you need to start with blog optimization, we have come up with several tips that might come in handy when creating your blog. 

Implement effective CTAs –

It can be demonstrated that the most vital part of your blog posts is the Call To Action button. It is the button that shows your offers and gets people closer to a desirable action. As the bread and butter of your strategy, it requires to be optimized to make your blog content more visible and effective.  

There are some most important factors you need to consider when designing your CTAs are:

  • CTA relevancy in specific topics.
  • CTA location.
  • Effective CTA design.
  • CTA should be text-based, stagnant, or slide-in.
  • CTA must include the main keywords.

You might want to make your CTA combination with the design of your website while also making it stand out. It might seem like a difference, but this kind of practice is crucial for proper CTA design. If you choose to use multiple keywords CTAs, make sure that you have relevant content present on the blog post and match them with the whole web design. Implement main keywords in the CTA’s to maximize Search Engine Optimization benefits.

To determine where should be the best place for CTA to increase the chance of a conversion use tools like HOTJAR. They display where your blog visitor is clicking, scrolling, and viewing most frequently on your blog post.  

Create digestible content-

The deciding place where and how you will implement your CTAs is a bit tricky, you have to make sure that users must reach them when reading through your blog post content. If your content is too dry and information-packed without proper navigation, the user will likely have difficulty getting through it. As a result, you might not get satisfying conversions. This is why it is vital to create engaging content that is easy to read and skim through. 

Aim to create informative content that is spread throughout your blog post. Give the users the information they need on regular basis. Highlight with attractive colour the main points of the blog posts in headings and divide sections into small paragraphs that explain concepts in a brief and clearly expressed manner. Use bold text whenever you consider terms that are crucial for the topic. 

Improve your copywriting skills-

Excellent content writing will only help you to improve the readability of your blog post. It is true that highly readable and easy-to-understand content increases the number of visitors to a website you get, but it does not guarantee that you will get the desired result.  

Your content has to give value to the customer while also tempting them to follow up on your attractive offers. This is where copywriting plays a crucial role in content writing. It helps you promote offers more efficiently without reducing the quality of your content. 

Good copywriting needs that you blend in factors like the CTAs, offers, and tone of the blog seamlessly. This means that you must take time and do brainstorm about which offers and CTAs would work best with this type of blog post.  

Optimize your website-

The content you create on your site is only half work done on your blog. While one of the main goals of your post should be to bring in organic traffic. That’s why you also have to consider inviting search engine bots to your site. For increasing search engine traffic you need to optimize your website with proper SEO. 

Make sure that you do on-page, off-page and technical SEO on your site to take to the next level. SEO will help you in increasing the rankings of your site on SERP and this will get you tons of traffic. 

And you already know that traffic is the currency of the net. More traffic = more money. 

Improve the speed of your site-

The next important thing you need to do for optimizing your site is that you need to increase its speed. Google has already made it clear that website speed is the ranking factor. Hence, you cannot ignore it. You need to make sure that your site is loading in under 3 seconds for the best performance.

You can check the speed of your site on various tools like GTmetrix and Google page speed insights. These two tools will give you detail insights into the speed of your site.

By analyzing the recommendations given by these tools and working accordingly will help you in improving the speed of your site. 

Following are some tips that you can use to improve the speed of your site:

  • Use a good website hosting
  • Audit your site from top to bottom or hire an SEO agency that will help you with auditing
  • Use CDN which is content delivery networks
  • Minimize all the CSS and JSS scripts 
  • Reduce and sever response time and minimizing all the redirects on your site
  • Compress all the big size images on your site. Use tools like TINYpng are other free image compression tools. 
  • Last thing which you can do to improve the speed of your site is to browser cache every now and then

Create content for users

The next thing which you can do to improve the conversion of your blog post is by creating content for users and not for search engines. Start with proper keyword research and then make content around it. Also, understand the needs and wants of your audience which will help you in winning over the trust of your audience and getting you more conversion. 

When you win the trust of your audience, no one can stop you from getting more conversions. Once you have created the content for users then you can optimize it for SEO purposes. 

To start with SEO, optimize your title, meta, URLs, include keywords and content, and image alt text. These all will help you with the on-page SEO. For off-page SEO, you can focus on link building and creating more awareness about your site on the web. 

For link building, you can use techniques like blogger outreach, guest posting, article submission, forum submission, and a lot more.


Optimizing the blog post for SEO is not that easy. You need to work hard a bit on blog post optimization. However, with the help of these techniques mentioned in this post, you can surely take the blog post-conversion to the next level. 

Conversions will help you in bringing more sales, traffic, and increasing the revenue of your site. When you get more conversions, you’ll be able to earn more money. So, make sure that you follow these tips and also share it with others in your group. 

That’s because sharing is caring. 

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