Everything you must know about Astm e2149
As we move ahead in the race of biological developments, the developments related to tests and assays stand first in the list. To an extent, the primary underlying reason is the rising awareness and extensive researches.
With so many breakthroughs and developments, we have specific international guided tests like the Astm e2149. Today, we will be uncovering the application and benefits of this test, which is now Beijing widely popular across industries.
In layman’s terms, the test determines the bacterial reaction and the degree of response on various surfaces.
Application and Significance:
The Astm e2149 is a test technique used to determine the antimicrobial activity of antimicrobial compounds in dynamic contact situations.
It is a shake flask test to evaluate fabrics, papers, powders, and other granular materials.
This test may also be used to check for contamination caused by hard water, proteins, blood, serum, different chemicals, contaminates, and physical/chemical stressors or manipulations of the specimen.
- The antibacterial activity is based on microorganisms coming into close contact with the active chemical agent.
- The test material is constantly agitated in a bacterial solution during the test time, ensuring good contact between bacteria and the treated fiber (1hour). Microbial concentrations in treated and untreated samples are typically measured after 0, 1, or 24 hours of contact.
- When shaken inside an inoculation suspension, it assesses the activity of an antimicrobial addition within non-leaching materials. The percentage decrease is computed by comparing retrievals from appropriate controls to the number of live organisms’ suspensions.
- This test assesses the antibacterial activity of treated specimens. Before & after contact, suspension is diluted & cultured.
- Antimicrobial agents that are immobilized, like surface-bound compounds, are unable to disperse into their surroundings under normal operating circumstances
- The number of organisms in the suspension is assessed based on primary counts from untreated restraints. Later, the percent decrease is computed.
What is the procedure for Astm e2149 testing?
- Three sterile containers are required for each product to be evaluated per ASTM: one holding the “inoculum alone,” one containing the “treated article,” and another flask carrying an untreated item, or “control.”
- All three containers are put on a platform shaker at room temperature for a 1-hour contact time, after which the suspensions are grown in triplicate onto agar, and the colony-forming units (CFUs) are counted.
- The results allow us to quantify the antimicrobial agent’s efficacy on the treated surface by determining if the reduction in bacteria is substantial compared to the inoculum or the untreated control. If the antimicrobial ingredient leaches, the findings are unreliable, and the antimicrobial must be neutralized when the product is retested.
What bacteria can be identified and tested?
- The standard organism for Astm e2149 technique is Escherichia coli ATCC 25922. Additional species can also be requested.
How reliable are the findings?
ASTM E2149 is a very repeatable procedure that provides experimental flexibility for testing goods of various shapes & sizes, which are often treated textiles. Routine quality checks are also performed to ensure the efficacy and accuracy of results.
If you too are looking for a suitable test for dynamic situations, then Astm e2149 is the right answer for you.
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